The Hill of Fare dominates the skyline to the North east of Torphins, and is indeed a mountain in miniature on our doorstep. It is a long but pleasant and varied walk from the village, approximately 10km each way. The route can be shorted by cycling part of the way or driving to the start of the off-road section.
If walking (or cycling), the most pleasant route leaves the village following the Learney Duckpond route. This leads through the Torphins Woods to the Learney Avenue. At the top of the Avenue turn right and follow the public road past the gates to the Learney driveway, then take the next turning on the left, leaving the public road just it starts to descend towards Mill of Learney. Follow this road past the Learney duckpond and continue up the steep hill towards Learney House. Turn right at the T junction at the top of the hill and follow this track until in meets the B993. Cross the road with care and join the forestry track opposite.
If coming by car follow the B993 to the highest point then identify the forest track leading off to the right, and park in the old quarry at the start of the track.
The first part of the walk from here follows a good estate road off the south west corner of the old quarry. (do not follow the track to Tillenturk!). Continue on this track until it leaves the Turk Wood at a large turning area for forestry vehicles. Locate the footpath leading south then east up the hill towards the summit. Fine views reward your climb.
Retrace you footsteps to return to the village. Navigation requires care especially in poor visibility. Away from the path, this is large featureless hillside!
With suitable logistics ( a lift home!) it is possible to continue along the hill top on good tracks towards Raemoir or even to Echt. However these are long distance routes on exposed terrain, so carry suitable weatherproof clothing.