TPG News
latest update July 2024
Welcome to our newsletter!
We would like to bring you up to date with our work, building and maintaining paths around Torphins.
Torphins Paths Group is a charitable organisation manned by volunteers. Our objective is simply to improve walking opportunities in and around the village, as well as developing off road routes linking to surrounding communities.
We have made good progress in the last 6 months on both short walks around the village and and longer routes connecting surrounding communities.
I hope you find this of interest and can share our excitement at some of these projects. We would be delighted to get your feedback which you can send to us by clicking here.
Also, if you want to join our group, or even get involved in some of our volunteer activities, you can sign up, by clicking here.

Sheep will be over-wintering the fields beside the Easter Beltie path
Please excercise caution and ensure that dogs are kept on a lead
Would you like to support the work of Torphins Paths Group?
Torphins Paths Group is a registered charity. Our only source of income is donations from the public and organisations who often look for local input alongside their contribution. Your donation, large or small would be used to develop and maintain attractive walking routes in and around Torphins.
Right now we are fundraising to support the process of getting planning approval for the Torphins to Lumphanan path. If you would like to donate CLICK HERE
Torphins to Glassel route completed through the Dam Wood
We are pleased to announce the completion of of a new path, giving a route for all from the Easter Beltie car park to the Glassel Road.The work was supported by a grant of £84,000 from the UK government Shared Prosperity Fund
Not only is this an important route for walking cycling and horse riding, but it is another step in the overall plan to link from Torphins to Banchory.

Torphins to Lumphanan Path- Planning Application submitted!
Preparations for a new path connecting Torphins and Lumphanan are progressing click here to read more!

Thanks to our Sponsors
Craigmyle to Monboddo path
We would like to express our gratitude to the many people within the community whose generous donations have made this work possible. We also gratefully acknowlege support from the Bread of Life, Scotmid and, Magic Little Grants.
This financial support has allowed us to build paths for the benefit of the community

Walks Around Torphins Leaflet
The latest edition of our leaflet is now available, giving suggestions for walks around the village. Copies can be obtained from Platform 22 or local shops.

Path maintenance
Work has been completed in repairing the storm damage on the Monboddo to Craigmyle path and putting in place defences that will make it more resilient in the future. to read more click here

Want to get involved?
We have regular work parties involved in path building and maintenance. To join that group and get notification of forthcoming activities click here

Waulkmill Farm
Flood Damage repaired February 2023!
A popular and useful path led through a working farmyard creating problems both for walkers and for the farmer.
​TPG found and implemented a solution!
Click here to read more

The Big Vision
In collaboration with paths groups throughout Marr Area, we are developing a plan for a path network to connect communities, providing a valuable resource for recreation and tourism

Woodland Wonderland
Following the success of previous years, Woodland Wonderland will again brightened the nights over Christmas 2023 and the New Year. Click the link below to book your time slot.
On the 17th, 20th and 23rd December. Mid Deeside Church is holding a Christmas Tree Festival which must be seen. The Church event also offers the warm refreshments required after visiting our illuminations.
Don't miss the spectacular tractor run through the village on Saturday 23rd December
For more details and to book your Woodland wonderland timeslot see: